Donate To CLL Research Foundation

Donate Online

Donate via credit card at or by making a donation pledge here.

Employer Matching

See if your employer will match your CLL Global donation. If necessary, use our Matching Gifts Form.

Help In Other Ways

CLL Global Research Foundation is appreciative of donated time and talent. We welcome in-kind donations and efforts such as printing, scientific writing, accounting, non-profit and graphic design expertise. If you are interested in offering your skills and energy to the CLL Global Research Foundation, please contact us.


Eyad Karkoutly Foundation

The Eyad Karkoutly Foundation recently hosted an evening of food, live music, and a presentation by Dr. Michael Keating. The event raised over $20,000 for the development of new treament therapies for CLL.


Local Houston philanthropists Michael and Joy Doustan, in conjunction with Houston artist LeeAnne Domangue, recently hosted a fundraising event at their home benefiting CLL Global Research Foundation.

skate-for-the-cureA group of girls from the Panthers Figure Skating Club in Coral Springs, Florida are using their athletic talent to raise CLL awareness and funds for CLL research by hosting Skate for a Cure events.

will-newmanWill Newman and his dad wrote an album and donated the proceeds to CLL Global.

Rene-Uze-check-presentationSalon owner, René Uzé hosted a book signing event with proceeds benefiting CLL Global.